Introduction to Relevant Analysis and website promotion under Search Engines For successful promotion of your site through search engines two conditions are necessary: Page Rank can be increased by registering the site in the maximum number of general and specialized Internet catalogues. If your site is intended for distribution of software, submitting the program to the maximum number of software archives should be sufficient. To create special advertising pages, you need to define the list of search phrases, which will bring the visitor to your site. One of the following free tools for selection of search phrases can be used: These are quite sufficient for an initial calculation. However, in general we are interested in attracting targeted traffic. For this it is necessary to create special pages corresponding to phrases which are not only popular but are of maximum relevance. What do we mean by "relevance of a search phrase" and how can this be determined? If we're talking about sites for advertising software, a relevant search phrase is one which results in the visitor downloading your software. Therefore, the relevance of a search phrase for the purposes of downloading files can be measured by the ratio of the number of downloads of the file to the number of hits ( visitors to the site from search engines on this phrase). If you already have a site for selling your program, and your site has high Page Rank and existing traffic from search engines, your relevant search phrases can be determined by analyzing the log files of your site, sorting and producing a report on relevance. Download Analyzer determines the following values for each search phrase: Hits - the quantity of unique visitors, Download hits - the quantity of downloads (unique visitors to the site who have started downloading the file) Relevance of a phrase, where Relevance = Download hits * 100% / Hits. If Pay-Per-Click Calculator is used, Download Analyzer also determines the profit and click tax of a phrase during the researched period. According to the law of the large numbers, the majority of search phrases from one log to the next will show approximately identical relevance. The normal average relevance on all phrases is usually 20-30%. However, as a result of the analysis of your log files, you will be able to detect groups of search phrases which have a relevance of 50-60%, i.e much higher than the average. For such search phrases it is necessary to create special advertising pages and to register these pages in retrieval systems. In general, the presence of your site on the first page of search results does not guarantee large sales of your software product. Only targeted traffic guarantees sales. What is necessary to attract targeted traffic to your site from search engines? First of all, the site should be registered in the search engines, it should have a high Page Rank, and should have existing traffic from search engines. Then it is necessary to accumulate statistics and to select phrases for which individual pages should be created. These individual pages should contain a description of your program's features, interspersed with various relevant search phrases. It is important to remember that the visitor has come to find the answer to a question he has put to a retrieval system. The specially created page should contain small, but quite exact articles in which he will find the precise answer to his question. From this answer it should be apparent to him why your program is the one he was searching for. It is critically important that a relevant request leads the visitor to the correct relevant page. If you have large enough statistics and Download Analyzer finds a search phrase that leads to different pages of your site, you will see that the relevance of these various pages to the search phrase differ significantly. It is certain that if a visitor has put a quite specific question to a search engine he will not be interested in a complete description of your program. One of main errors in purchasing phrases on paid search engines is that, in the case of a concrete search, the central page of a site is often palmed off on the visitor instead of a more relevant page. While you could make a complaint, Overture is unlikely to compensate you. However, in Download Analyzer there is a special analytic tool - "Pay-Per-Click Calculator" - which allows you to calculate the recoupment of advertising costs for individual search phrases on paid search engines: (,, etc..). If you already know your relevant search phrases, special pages corresponding to groups of relevant phrases are created for you. The next stage allows you to experiment with the page contents - you can change the text, improve the design, add and remove attractive pictures and screenshorts of your program, and observe the corresponding changes in the relevance of search phrases and individual special pages of your site. Statistics can be a very powerful tool! You will soon understand what the page should look like to maximise its relevance.
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